

Alexis "Brigs" Brignoni

Alexis Brignoni has been serving the area of Orlando, Florida for the last 15 years as a Special Agent of a Federal Law Enforcement agency. A native of San Juan, Puerto Rico, he has a Bachelor's in Computer Science and an MBA in Management of Information Systems. Before working as a digital forensics examiner, he was a case agent tasked with investigating online crimes against children, network intrusions, intellectual property and online fraud among others. Currently holding multiple digital forensics certifications, Alexis Brignoni has been focused on mobile app digital forensics as an area of interest due to the ever-evolving challenge of parsing a never-ending stream of new applications for relevant data.

Heather Charpentier

Heather Charpentier has been working in law enforcement for the past 19 years in the Albany, New York area, currently as a non-sworn Computer Forensic Analyst and formally as a Probation Officer. In her current role, she investigates criminal cases such as homicides and crimes against children. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity/Computer Forensics.  Heather holds several certifications in mobile and computer forensics and is currently a co-instructor for the mobile forensics course at The International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS). Her focus is on mobile forensics and finding the artifacts that you can’t get with the “easy button!”